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Vanderbilt Assessment (ADHD)
SCARED Assessment (Anxiety)
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2-5 Day VisitCongratulations on your new baby! Your baby's first visit to our office takes place during their first week of life, usually 1-2 days after you are discharged from the hospital. We will: -check your baby's weight -monitor for signs of jaundice -check to see how your baby is feeding -answer new questions about caring for your new baby Immunizations: HepB#1 (if not given in hospital) Helpful Info:
2 Week VisitThis is a time to check in to see how your baby is doing adjusting to life outside of the womb. Common issues include sleep, feeding, and bowel habits. By age 2 weeks your baby will likely have regained their birth weight. Remember, in order to prevent SIDS it is important to always put your baby to sleep on their back in a flat, firm, and separate sleep space We will: -measure your baby's length, weight, and hear size and plot this on a growth curve -remind you to give your baby 400 IU of vitamin D supplementation if you are exclusively breastfeeding Immunizations: none Tests/Screens/Assessments: Follow up on Newborn Metabolic Screen done in hospital
1 Month VisitAt this visit we will continue to track your baby's growth and development and answer any questions you may have. Immunizations: none Tests/Screens/Assessments: none Helpful Info:
2 Month VisitYou may find that your baby is more fussy or colicky at this age. Be patient, eventually they will out grow this phase. Always handle your baby gently and reach out to friends, relatives, or other loved ones for help if the crying becomes too much. If no one is available to help, place your baby on their back gently in a safe space (like a crib or bassinet) and take a few minutes to calm down. At this visit we will: -Measure your baby's weight, length, and head circumference and plot this on a growth curve -Provide your baby's first set of immunizations. Immunizations: DTaP#1, HIB#1, IPV#1, PCV#1, Rotavirus#1, HepB#2 Tests/Screens/Assessments: none Helpful Info:
4 Month VisitYour baby is starting to become more active! Be careful not to leave your baby alone on a bed, couch, or counter...they can move faster than you think! Babies continue to only need breast milk or iron fortified formula at this stage until age 6 months. We will talk about introducing solid foods at this visit. At this visit we will: -Measure your baby's weight, length, and head circumference and plot this on a growth curve -Provide your baby's immunizations -Discuss when to start feeding your baby solid foods Immunizations: DTaP#2, HIB#2, IPV#2, PCV#2, Rotavirus#2 Tests/Screens/Assessments: none Helpful Info:
6 Month VisitYour baby is moving more at this stage and will be able to sit up on their own for short periods of time. Baby proofing your home is important at this stage if you haven't done so already. At this visit we will: -Measure your baby’s weight, length and head circumference and record on a growth curve -Provide your baby’s immunizations. Immunizations: DTap#3, HIB#3, IPV#3, PCV#3, Rotavirus #3, HepB#3 Tests/Screens/Assessments: none Helpful Info:
9 Month VisitYour baby may be starting to crawl, pulling themself up to stand, and cruising on furniture. Babies will also want to touch everything: this is okay as this is how they learn! At this visit we will: -Measure your baby’s weight, length and head size and record on a growth curve. -Provide your baby’s immunizations. -Discuss dental care: you should start to brush your child's teeth with an infant toothbrush and a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste. Immunizations: Flu Vaccine (if during flu season) Tests/Screens Assessments: none Helpful Info:
12 Month VisitAt this age your baby can transition from breast milk or formula to cow's milk. Most babies need 3 meals, 2-3 snacks per day, and no more than 16-20 ounces of whole cow's milk per day. Be careful to avoid small, hard foods that can cause cholking. It is also important to begin to wean your child off of the bottle and offer all liquids in a sippy cup. Continue to have your baby in a rear facing car seat until they are 2 years old. At this visit we will: -Measure your baby’s weight, length and head size and record on a growth curve -Provide your baby’s immunizations -Discuss dental care: you should start to brush your child's teeth with an infant toothbrush and a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste Immunizations: MMR#1, HIB#4, HepA#1, Flu vaccine (if during flu season) Tests/Screens Assessments: Vision screen, Hemoglobin Test, Lead Test, Fluoride application (If needed) Helpful Info:
15 Month VisitAt this age your child is beginning to understand more than they are able to express in words. Reading to your child daily can help them with language development. At this visit we will: -Measure your baby’s weight, length and head size and record on a growth curve -Provide your baby’s immunizations -Discuss dental health and apply flouride varnish if needed Immunizations: DTaP#4, PCV#4, VZV#1, Flu vaccine (if flu season) Tests/Screens Assessments: Fluoride application (If needed) Helpful Info:
18 Month VisitAt this age your child understand more than they can express. Read and sing to your child often to help develop their language skills. At this visit we will: -Measure your baby’s weight, length and head size and record on a growth curve -Provide your baby’s immunizations -Discuss temper tantrums -Discuss dental health and apply fluoride varnish if needed to your baby's teeth -Review your child's development using the M-CHAT developmental questionnaire (autism screening tool) Immunizations: MMR#1, HIB#4, HepA#1, Flu vaccine (if during flu season) Tests/Screens Assessments: MCHAT questionnaire, Fluoride application (If needed) Helpful Info:
24 Month VisitAt this age you child may go from trying to be as independent as possible to clinging to you. This is normal! It is better for children to play than to watch TV- even background TV can interrupt healthy play. At this visit we will: -Measure your baby’s weight, length and head size and record on a growth curve -Discuss dental health and apply fluoride varnish -Screen child's vision for amblyopia (lazy eye) -Discuss toilet training Immunizations: Flu vaccine (if during flu season) Tests/Screens Assessments: Vision screen, Fluoride application (If needed) Helpful Info:
30 Month VisitAt this visit we will: -Measure your baby’s weight, length and head size, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Discuss dental health and apply fluoride varnish if needed Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Fluoride varnish (if needed) Helpful Info:
3 Year VisitYour child will be becoming more imaginative as the days progress. Toys that encourage kids to use their imagination and make believe are great at this age. Reading is also very important for child's language and you should continue to read to your child daily. At this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, length and head size and record on a growth curve -Discuss dental health and apply fluoride varnish if needed Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, Fluoride varnish (if needed) Helpful Info:
4 Year VisitFour year old's like to make up stories, sing, dance, and act. Enjoy these moments with your little one! At this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Provide your child's immunizations -Discuss dental health Immunizations: DTaP#5, IPV#4, Varicella#2, MMR#2, Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening Helpful Info:
5 Year VisitAt this age your child will be becoming more independent however you still need to set clear limits. A regular bedtime routine and bedtime are important. At this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Discuss exercise and nutrition -Discuss dental health Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening Helpful Info:
6 Year VisitEncourage good learning by helping your child organize a distraction-free time to complete homework. Sleep is also important- they should be getting 11 hours of sleep every night. At this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition -Discuss dental health Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening Helpful Info:
7 Year VisitContinue to encourage good nutrition and exercise habits for your child. At this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss dental health Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening Helpful Info:
8 Year VisitMake sure your child is always wearing a helmet when bicycling, scooter riding, skateboarding, or skating. At this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening Helpful Info:
9 Year VisitYour child is becoming more responsible and will be able to take on more tasks like taking care of his/her own room. At this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening, Labs (if needed) Helpful Info:
10 Year VisitAt this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening, Labs (if needed) Helpful Info:
11 Year VisitAt this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: Tdap#1, MCV#1, HPV#1, Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening, Labs (if needed), depression screening (PHQ-9) Helpful Info:
12 Year VisitAt this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: HPV#2 (if not previously completed; series of 2 vaccines spaced 6 months apart), Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screen, depression screening (PHQ-9), labs (if needed) Helpful Info:
13 Year VisitAt this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screen, depression screening (PHQ-9), labs (if needed). Helpful Info:
14 Year VisitAt this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening, depression screening (PHQ-9), labs (if needed) Helpful Info:
15 Year VisitAt this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening, depression screening (PHQ-9), labs (if needed) Helpful Info:
16 Year VisitAt this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: MCV#2, Men B#1, Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening, depression screening (PHQ-9), labs (if needed) Helpful Info:
17 Year VisitAt this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: Men B (if not previously completed), Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening, depression screening (PHQ-9), labs (if needed) Helpful Info:
18 Year VisitAt this visit we will: -Measure your child’s weight, height, and BMI and record on a growth curve -Review your child's school performance and development -Discuss exercise and nutrition Immunizations: MenB (if not previously completed), Flu (if during flu season) Tests/Screens/Assessments: Vision screening, hearing screening, depression screening (PHQ-9), labs (if needed) Helpful Info:
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The resources below can help you protect and promote your child’s health by increasing your knowledge of children’s health issues, providing assistance on partnering with health care providers, and linking you to helpful organizations and tools. ​
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